Winter Reading Recommendation: Our Town

Does Death Hold the Secret to Life? Our Town, an early 20th century play, explores life after death.


Evelyn Johnson, Staff Writer

Our Town by Thornton Wilder is a classic piece of dramatic literature that won a Pulitzer Prize. It is written as a script to be performed on stage.  The play is still popular among community theaters and high schools.

Our Town follows the story of a small town called Grover’s Corner from 1901-1913. The audience follows the main character Emily as she experiences life, love, and death and then she comes back and appreciates the small beauty’s in life that people often take for granted. It’s truly beautiful and sparks questions about mortality and how many people don’t actually live their lives.

This play is a must read for anyone and everyone. It’s fairly short but holds so much beauty and story in the small amount of pages. Rating: 8/10