The Pre-med Club is a new club created by RAHS students due to the lack of healthcare clubs in our community. Jessica Carpenter is a Junior at...

Beatrice Holterhaus, Junior Editor
Annika Wilkowske, Junior Editor
Evelyn Woulfe, Staff Writer

Scholarships are a fantastic way to ease the burden of college expenses, however, there are tons of available scholarships out there. Sorting...

Trio: Louis Hunter is owner of Trio plant based. This is the first Black owned soul food restaurant that is 100% vegan in Minneapolis. Hunter...

The “ideal” study spot looks different to everyone–some prefer a quiet spot, while others enjoy the bustle. Bringing schoolwork home often...

Lujaine Asamarai (12), while just in high school, is already a published author. In early August of last year Asamarai published her book Pain...

Many students at RAHS have shared that high school sports have impacted them deeply and positively. Sports can affect mental health, social skills...

Women’s sports have been rising in popularity in the past couple of years—with popularity surrounding women’s basketball, volleyball, and...

The 2024 Roseville girls tennis team has hit the halfway point of their season. So far they have a winning record of 18-9. As they face sections,...

Looking at a picture of the Roseville Girls Lacrosse Team, you might notice something different than most other sports in Roseville Area School...

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Throughout my time at RAHS, online classes have gained a lot of popularity. They can make school a lot easier and self-paced; however, I do not...

Belts have been around since before the Great Egyptian Pyramids. The simple strip of fabric wrapped around your waist holds your pants up, but...