Opinions on Books, Not Opinions From Books

Why not talk about books themselves instead of what they mean for once?

Sebastian Luna, Staff Writer

At Roseville Area High School reading is part of the everyday life of the faculty and students. Although there are many contrasting opinions on books, it is impossible to graduate from Roseville Area High School without reading at least a few.

There are a wide variety of reasons people read. The majority of people said a book had to be interesting for them to read it. Also, many people are actively reading.

Senior Izzy Boese-Colond said, “It’s been a week since the last time I finished a book. I enjoyed it. As long as a book is interesting, it’s easy to get done.”

An eleventh grade English teacher Megan Soosai said, “I just finished a book on Saturday!”

Another senior, Luca Chilefone, said he had finished a book over the weekend. 

Everyone had different opinions on what books meant to them. The opinions were overall positive.

Ms. Soosai said, “Books are an art crafted to move people, to inspire them and see life in a different light.”

Chilefone said, “I like that there is no visual aspect. It creates a lot of freedom for interpretation.”

There also seemed to be a consensus that books are good for people. 

Boese-Colond said, “[Reading] makes learning easier because you can go at your own pace. Books can also be a reliable source of information because they are more likely to be peer reviewed.”

A ninth grader named Walker Brownell said, “Books have some benefits. They help you get to know literature. They are also the oldest method of recording the past. Books allow you to look back at what people were writing about in the past.”

Ms. Soosai said, “Books move slowly, which is a strength. It forces you to calm down because it is not stimulating. It forces you to practice imagination and reading endurance.”

Everyone had a different opinion on the best way stories are told. 

Chilefone said, “Books are really good for storytelling. However, verbal storytelling is the best means for telling stories. With verbal stories you can hear inflection, see gesticulations and so on.”

Brownell turned out to be partial to films when he said, “I like films because you can see a lot of things. You can also hear stuff which betters the experience. Although, this is not to say books are bad. I do like books because you can read a lot of detail in them.”

Ms. Soosai had a unique opinion as she said, “The best method of storytelling is the one you will go back to… But also read more books!”