Black Student Union

The Black Student Union is a club open to anyone, but focuses on centrally black ideas for events at school, fundraisers, and much more. The Black Student Union is preparing many events during this winter and spring which include African Night, Taste of Africa, Charity week, and more.

This year’s Black Student Union is special because this group of students has faced adversity though COVID, police brutality, and racism. Anderson said, “Our students want to make a difference and use their voice to talk about issues they are passionate about.”

The Black Student Union is student led, accompanied by teachers Anthony Anderson and Chenayi Shava. Black Student Union’ president is Fateya Omer. They hope to accomplish every event they planned out for this year.

Last year’s for the Black Student Union was good, but there were definitely not enough people to help with events. Even though it was distance, BSU still held events for the school.

Anyone interested in participating in BSU should know that it is a student-led organization, and it gives students opportunities to use their voice for good. Anderson said, “It creates the perfect environment to build your leadership skills.”



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