What’s Going on in RAHS Drama?


Ava Negrete, Photo and Arts Editor

After being away so long from in-person theatre, RAHS drama is ready to get back into the spotlight. 

The first show of the year is in production, set to be performed in the new Thein Auditorium. From December 16-19 audiences can come see The Theory of Relativity, a show about how everyone’s lives intertwine in unexpected ways. 

The show lineup for the rest of the year is still undecided, but we can expect to see a short student works festival in January, the annual Rahsberet fundraiser, the spring play directed by Dudley Voight in March, a musical in spring set in the new auditorium, and 5 Rahsprov shows throughout the year. 

The first Rahsprov show is Friday, November 12th. For students wanting to try out improv, the Drama Club is hosting an after school improv workshop on Thursday, November 11th from 3-5.

Drama Club is a new addition this year, and is free for anyone to come to. It was created because, as Kaitlen Osburn said, “I realized last year that there’s not a lot of opportunities for students who are interested in drama but don’t want to commit to 8-12 weeks of production. Every month, once a month anyone is welcome to come get a taste about what we do as well as explore something new.” 

Drama club is a low risk environment, the perfect place to see if you might be interested in joining theatre. There are many benefits to joining, when asked what they enjoyed, both cast and crew responded. “One thing I enjoy about crew is that I enjoy getting to learn about everything technical wise as well as getting to make the props. I think it’s a great way to learn about theatre as a whole” said crew member Roman Villalobos, grade 11.

Besides technical skills, Drama club can help boost confidence on the stage.  “More of a stage presence is a benefit. It’s easier to talk in front of people after doing theatre” says Lucas Boschetti, grade 12.

After so much time away, the whole department is ready to get back on stage, and they would love for you to join them.