Raider Day: A New Approach to the First Day

Local artist Joe Davis shares poetry on Raider Day

Annika Wilkowske and Ginger Anderson

Roseville Area High School students began the year by attending Raider Day, a day of community building where students rotated locations and activities.

These community building activities included a performance by speaker Joe Davis, outdoor recess, an assembly led by Principal Hester, and a team building activity in the gym.

Students and teachers alike had a lot to say about this new approach to the start of school.

When asked about her experience, sophomore Samantha Mermelstein said, “I don’t really think that any of the activities we did really helped me… it probably would have been more helpful to have an extra day in our classes.”

On the contrary, a teacher at RAHS stated “I believe the concept of community building and integrity is important and this year was successful.” But this teacher also noted “that kids now know what it entails and may not choose to make use of the opportunity next year if it doesn’t seem mandatory.”

In summary, students and teachers have different views on Raider Day. It has support from teachers around RAHS, but students weren’t as excited about it.