Orchestra Activities at RAHS
The year round RAHS orchestra extra curricular activities give students another outlet to play music and gain experience.
The orchestra’s four extra curricular activities’ each offer a variety of benefits as well as more chances to perform.
The Chamber Orchestra is an audition entry orchestra that allows students to play professional level music.
The Cello and Viola Ensemble is a chance for C-string players to experience music composed only for cellos.
The Colectivo club allows students to explore musical styles and cultures that vary from traditional classical music. These variations include eastern, fiddle, American, Irish and rock.
The Music Listening Contest allows students to learn about music styles and composers without playing instruments. Students don’t even have to know how to in order to join.
Overall there are many opportunities to get involved in music before and after school at RAHS. Talk to Dr. Jannings if you are interested.