With our evolving technology, the use of AI has become more popular as it is easily accessible on your devices. The most common are ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity AI, Suno AI, copilot and many more.
Teachers have to adjust to this change as AI has never been around or used in a school setting. Teachers at RAHS share their opinions on AI.
Mr Preslicka has strong negative feelings about the use of AI “It provides another opportunity to not do well and cheat and find a way around instead of embracing what they are asked to do.” “I don’t think students are mature enough to use it.”
He provides an example from a couple years ago when there were issues in his class after COVID with his LEQ tests. He said “it was very obvious that almost everyone went to the site and copied and pasted.”
Ms Kyllonen said “My concern is that AI is a way for students to get answers from a source that is not their own brain.”
Mr Hemmerlin shared his thoughts on AI technology and advancements and the effects on his students. He said, “people are being seduced by not having to think anymore for themselves, it depresses me that the people around me don’t wanna think.”
Mr Hemmerlin wanted to add an extra level of urgency for the negatives of AI. He said “One thing that is not talked about enough is the serious environmental burdens of AI, I don’t know if it’s worth it so that people don’t have to think anymore.” He urges people to think twice about using AI if you want to preserve our planet.
Mx Larson sees the upsides and downsides of AI. For positives, they said “it’s helpful for generating ideas, but it’s only a starting point.” Additionally, they add that AI should be taught about so that we can navigate how to get the best answer out of a program. They said “It should be taught how to be used properly, in middle school so that it would help them understand.”
Mr Ueland agrees that we should teach students how to use it responsibly, he also said “People are using it too much though which is cheating, but I’m also a big believer in the fact that you should use the tools you have available.”
Mr Martinson sees a lot of possibilities for the future of the world with AI. He said “I think it could possibly take over our future workforce, it’s a great opportunity to be more productive.” Additionally he said “it’s pretty amazing, when I write something and put it through AI I sound a lot better.”
Mr Anderson “I like that it gives students a resource for help, I don’t like that it makes students think less for themselves.” “Currently AI sucks at math, but it is getting better.”
Ms Owen said “when it comes to AI taking artists jobs, that is gross. But AI as a tool is helpful.” Ms Mfalingundi also expresses that AI art is not right. She said “it uses other peoples art to make art, and how deep fakes look so real.”
Mr Davies said “I love AI, it’s my new favorite thing” Additionally, he adds that he uses AI for letters of recommendation.
Ms Przepiora said she is “apprehensive, no one really knows what AI is.”
Mr Preslicka argues that AI interferes with teaching because some students use it to write their papers etc. He said “You have to be very careful about whether or not students actually write stuff.” Ms Mfalingundi agrees, she sees students use it to enhance their answer which makes it not their answer anymore. She said “writing skills are really important and you can’t always rely on AI.”
Mr Hemmerlin shares that it does not impact his teaching…yet. He said “we are at an inflection point, it very well could.”
Ms Mfalingundi reports that it also helps out her teaching. She said “Teacher AI excited me because it makes making worksheets so much easier, using it for lesson planning is really helpful.”
Ms Kyllonen reports that it helps out her teachings in some ways. She said “I have used ChatGPT to write articles and readings used for Earth and Space Science and it has done a very good job.”
Overall teachers have very different opinions about the use of AI. The overall message is that we should keep our individuality by thinking for ourselves and using AI less to take care of our planet.