With the continuation of Black History Month, Black Student Union (BSU) has planned African night, an exciting event that takes place on March 7th, 6-8 pm. It is a way to show the diverse cultures of Africa and the celebration of Black students at RAHS.
The last African night happened in 2021, with only a few dances and events. Layla Sheikh-Mohamed (11), BSU member, confirmed how well preparation for the show has gone compared to 2021. She said “(The show in ’21) was a lot more boring in my opinion. There were only two dances and only nine people dancing in total, not many people were participating in any aspect of the show…we weren’t as prepared as we are now.”
The students have planned a night with many exciting and compelling events as a way to show the many cultures and talents of our Black students at RAHS. Shukrya Omer (11), is one of the presidents for BSU. She said “Currently we have been working on performing for African Night…people will dance, there will be spoken word, and a fashion show.”
African night is celebrated at many schools, RAHS is not an exception. The event had first started in 2017, as a way to show the diversity of Africa and essence of its beauty.
Omer said, “It’s a way to bring people together and represent peoples’ cultures and different backgrounds because all of us are not the same ethnicity.”
Azhar Mohamed (10), BSU member, confirms Omer’s claim on shedding light on Black students’ voices and culture. She said, “People don’t really know about our culture, this show represents who we are and our many cultures.”
Students have enjoyed the process of seeing this show evolve and become something great. Sheikh-Mohamed said, “I have enjoyed being able to learn about my culture, choreographing dances, gaining new friends, learning new dances from different cultures, and making connections with other people with our culture.”
Students also highlight that while it is exciting to plan this show, it is hard work that comes with its problems. Sheikh-Mohamed said, “One problem has been getting people to stick with what they are doing.”